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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jake and Elizabeth | Kids

Ecstatic does not quite describe how excited I was when I was called to photograph these two cuties again. When I first met Jake and Elizabeth back in October, I could not get over them. If you have looked at my website at all, you probably noticed that they are plastered all over it. They are just two of the most adorable and fun little kids I know.

The entire time I spent with them Jake was entertaining me with his many silly faces, and Elizabeth was crying. (I don't quite think she likes me as much as I like her) I was a little nervous when I got home to see if I had clicked away fast enough to catch a few of her not screaming. I was very pleasantly surprised, as you will see below.

This photo session really reminded me why I love to photograph children so much. Even though I have to work a hundred times harder to get that perfect shot, it makes it that much more rewarding. And they are images that will be treasured by families forever. I love my job!

Brooke, Thank you for allowing me to photograph your children. I had such a great time!

To see more, CLICK HERE for a slideshow!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jake and Elizabeth | Sneak Peek

Jake and Elizabeth are two of the cutest kids I have ever seen! I just can't get enough of them! Enjoy this sneak peek and there will be much more for you to see tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Big Week

Last week was a crazy busy week. With trying to get to the hospital to visit my Grandma, helping out my mom with the boys while she was at the hospital, photo shoots, and trying to get some work done my head was spinning. But we also had two big events that had been planned for months that we weren't about to cancel just because our week had taken a crazy turn.

Last Wednesday was my brother's thirteenth birthday! What a big deal for a kid - becoming a teenager! So Trevor and I wanted to do something fun for his gift. We picked him up from school and surprised him with tickets to a Mud Hens game. We drove to Toledo, went out for pizza, and then went to the game. It was raining off and on and cold, but leave it to Trevor to know someone in one of the suites! Matt loved it, and he especially loved the dessert tray that they brought around towards the end of the game.

Here are some snapshots from the evening. He is looking so old!

Then on Saturday we went to the Ohio State Spring Game. This is the third annual trip to the game that we have taken with the boys. They have so much fun seeing the game and being in the Horse Shoe! We left at 6:30 am with four very excited boys. I take that back - five very excited boys! Trevor loves the spring game. We had so many good laughs on the way down. I love these days that I know we are going to remember forever.

I was mom for the day, so I was trying to take good care of them by lathering them with sunscreen all day long. I leaned over at one point during the game and asked Matt if he needed more sunscreen. He looked at me completely serious and said, "Leah! I am so oily right now!" Right then I laughed and realized I might have gone a little too far. They are getting old enough to take care of themselves.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Molly + Chase | Engagement

Molly and Chase were so much fun!  It was so great photographing them on their farm.  It was a way to show who they are together as a couple.  They laughed, and I got to be the lucky one to laugh along with them.  I cannot wait for their wedding coming up quickly in June!

Who doesn't love a girl that can wear amazing heals like that and not be afraid to get a little dirty sitting in the wheel of a tractor?!  My kind of woman!

I was so excited when Molly and Chase wanted an image spinning off of "American Gothic".  

To see more of their engagement session, CLICK HERE for a slideshow!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Molly + Chase | Sneak Peek

It is such an exciting time of the year for me! It is getting warmer, we're on the brink of weddding season, and families are scheduling their portrait sessions! I love it!

I have the most amazing clients! On Friday, I had Molly and Chase's engagement session. We went to multiple locations and did a little of everything. I just absolutely love how unique and versatile all my clients are. Not only are they never afraid to show their personalities, but they show every piece of themselves that makes them who they are. Molly went from city high heels to country chore boots. And I loved all of it!

Friday, April 17, 2009


My Grandma had a massive stroke on Wednesday morning, and my family's lives have been turned upside down.  We all plan our lives so much and when something like this happens, everything on our filled calendars doesn't quite seem so important anymore.  Only time will tell right now exactly what her condition will be, but I am asking for your prayers right now - for her, my grandpa, and our entire family.  It is going to be a long road ahead.  

I found this quote just the other day.  
"All women become like their mothers.  That is their tragedy.  No man does.  That's his."  -  Oscar Wilde

I know this is true.  And right now, I am thankful for how I am like my mom and my grandma, the good and the bad.  They are the strongest women I know.

My Grandma and Grandpa at Christmas this year:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Grady | Six Months

Grady is a little sweetheart! I have been baby-sitting him a couple times a month since January, and I cannot imagine a more perfect baby. He rarely makes a peep and is always so happy. Needless to say, his parents are spoiled! So, of course I should have known that the day we decide to have his photo session he would be unhappy! He was just not having it. We tried everything and then as soon as I put my camera away, he started smiling. I rushed to get my camera back out and the minute he saw it, he cried. Somehow, I still got some great shots. He is just absolutely adorable no matter what mood he is in.

I've never seen a baby lie so flat...he cracks me up!