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Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I'm back! Back to a life of normalcy - whatever normal is anymore. And I am so thankful for it! Only one house to take care of, my hands aren't covered in paint, and I am getting back to what I love most - my business! I feel just as guilty about letting my blog slide to the bottom of the to do list this month as I do about skipping some much needed workouts. But just as I am going to get to the gym to kick my butt to make up for all of last month, I am also going to be blogging lots! I have so much to tell and lots of images to show.

One of the biggest things that I have been just dying to tell is that we added a member to our family. A puppy! His name is Willie, and he is a Yorkshire Terrier. It has been so hard to hold this in as he has become such a big part of our lives, but we technically were not allowed to have him in our apartment. We got him back in June before we even had bought our house. And now that we are all moved in I want to tell the whole world about him! He is just the best! You will be hearing lots about him now that I can, probably too much. Look how cute he is!

This is the first night that we got him. He was so tiny! Only two pounds.

This is Trevor's very first pet. How cute?

He has become part of our entire family. The boys absolutely love him!

He loves to look out the window when we drive. Yes, we are now those drivers.

Our little family!

He's experienced all the new house craziness with us.

I hope I haven't bored you with all this, "Oh, my pet is so cute!", but I couldn't hold it back any longer.


Blake said...

I'm sure you've seen plenty of pics of my dog - trust me, it doesn't bore me one bit personally! I love Yorkies...I couldn't imagine having another breed!

Unknown said...

LEAH! He is so precious! I love him! You can't even imagine all the pictures we have of ours...

L Renee Studio said...

Thank you two so much! I love seeing pictures of your dog on facebook. She is so cute! I think Willie and Grace need to get together sometime. :)

Aaron and Lindsay said...

I LOVE Him!! He's adorable!!!!! :) Aren't they the greatest? I'd be lost without my dogs!