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Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Am My Business, My Business is Me

I love to write. When I have something really weighing on my mind, I journal, because I never want to forget where I have been - happy or sad. I was encouraged in college by one of my professors to take a writing class because I enjoyed integrating writing into my art so much. It was a creative writing class, where there are no rules, and I loved it!

Blogging is another outlet for my love of writing, but I feel like I have been holding back. And the thing is I never hold back with anything, what you see is what you get. I talk about my images, my clients, my business announcements, but I rarely have talked about me and my life. And really, I cannot define where I begin and my business ends. The line is completely blurred. I am my business and my business is me.

So, with that being said, I am going to start saying more. Saying more without holding a whole lot back. It is not going to be easy. My stomach is in knots just saying it because when you put yourself out there like this, it is easy for others to judge you. But I want you to know me because when you schedule a session, me is exactly what you are going to get. I want my blog to be a journal of my life, loves, art, photography, and my business. Maybe not exactly like my seventh grade journal, but just as personal without so many juicy details.

And because a post is nothing without a picture, here is a couple of personal images from October. Trevor and I took two of my brothers, Sam and Gabe, to an apple orchard. It was so much fun! It was the first time I had ever picked my own apples. And boy were they delicious. I wish I had one right now!

1 comment:

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Not sure if this is the place to vote...but my vote is for number one...beautiful!