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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jake and Elizabeth | Kids

Ecstatic does not quite describe how excited I was when I was called to photograph these two cuties again. When I first met Jake and Elizabeth back in October, I could not get over them. If you have looked at my website at all, you probably noticed that they are plastered all over it. They are just two of the most adorable and fun little kids I know.

The entire time I spent with them Jake was entertaining me with his many silly faces, and Elizabeth was crying. (I don't quite think she likes me as much as I like her) I was a little nervous when I got home to see if I had clicked away fast enough to catch a few of her not screaming. I was very pleasantly surprised, as you will see below.

This photo session really reminded me why I love to photograph children so much. Even though I have to work a hundred times harder to get that perfect shot, it makes it that much more rewarding. And they are images that will be treasured by families forever. I love my job!

Brooke, Thank you for allowing me to photograph your children. I had such a great time!

To see more, CLICK HERE for a slideshow!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oh Brooke, how are you ever going to pick. The slideshow made my day...they made me smile!
Thank you!