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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nothing's Impossible

Yesterday, I went to visit my brothers, and I found them at the park playing with some neighbor kids. They had been running and playing so by the time I got there they were out of breath. I started watching Sam. He was standing at the bottom of the spiral slide - trying to roll a soccer ball up it, all the way to the top. I watched him try probably twenty times, each a failure in my eyes because it kept getting stuck at the first turn. But, he kept on trying - rolling it harder each time, then slower because it was bouncing back at him, then with a spin. Finally I said, "Just stop Sam, it is impossible." He looked at me, with complete seriousness and without hesitation said, "Nothing's impossible."

As I stood there in complete aw and realization, he continued to keep trying. I try so hard to be the sister that always says that they can do anything. I believe that everyone should go for their dreams, no matter what stage in life, because it would make them truly happy. I have told people multiple times to follow their heart, even when it would be easier not to. I have followed my own advice in that I have started my own photography business. It was not the easiest thing to do at the time and continues to not be easy. But, lately, I have been labeling things as impossible. I have been creating roadblocks for myself simply because it feels as if no matter how many times I try, the ball will just never reach the top. My brother reminding me yesterday of my own lesson. With those two words, he reminded me how I have achieved my dreams so far and how I will continue to do it each day, one at a time. Nothing's impossible.

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